Philly Sports: Each local team’s worst jersey this century

Phillies: Saturday Night Special, 7/27/19
When it comes to these jerseys, I think Samuel L. Jackson said it best in A Time to Kill.
A little background: On May 19, 1979, the Phillies wore their infamous all-burgundy “Saturday Night Special” jerseys for the first time. It would turn out to be the only time, as they were universally panned and instantly retired forever. Or so we thought.
Then the Phillies announced that they would be busting them out once more to “celebrate” their 40th anniversary for one night only during the 2019 season. What’s old is new again, and the thought of the Phillies wearing these…interesting…uniforms was actually kind of fun. At the very least, there was an element of curiosity about them. What could it hurt?
Maybe if the Phillies had performed well while they were clad all in red, we’d all have good feelings about the jerseys. But they came out that night against the Atlanta Braves and were obliterated 15-7. And it wasn’t even that close, with the Phils trailing 14-1 at one point. As a result, let’s never do this again. But at least Gabe looked sharp.
Next. Phillies: Shortened season could help. dark
Dishonorable Mention: On Players Weekend 2017, your beer league softball team was dressed sharper than the Phils. Also, negative a million points for “Knapp Time“.