Philadelphia Eagles Draft: Final Seven-Round Mock Draft

Here it is. The final, definitive, this-is-who-the-Philadelphia-Eagles-will-draft, feel-free-to-put-money-down, don’t-actually-do-that, seven-round mock.
That’s really Michael Buble you hear singing. It is the most wonderful time of the year.
Draft week is basically Christmas. Both for NFL teams, who receive the gift of draft picks–though, curiously, the worse you’ve been, the better gift you get–and for draftniks such as myself, who’ve spent the better part of a year preparing for a night in which they will be proven wrong far more often than they’ll be proven right.
Of course, lest we forget, Jon Bois once put together a more successful draft than the Detroit Lions by throwing darts at a dart board. This entire process is wild, arbitrary, and a whole lotta fun.
Now that you’re inspired by my likelihood of getting even one of these selections remotely correct, let’s kick off this final Eagles Seven-Round mock. You can find my other iterations here and here and also here.
A note before we begin: I will not only give you the selection the Eagles will make with each pick, but also four other possible selections (can you tell I’m hedging my bets? No? Perfect):
1) How The Mighty Have Fallen: A player I expect will be drafted before Philly’s pick, but should he fall, the Eagles may luck into nice value.
2) They Be Reachin’: A player I expect would have been drafted after Philly’s pick, but if the Eagles like him, they may reach to grab him.
3) Please, Dear God, Not: A player that you may have seen mocked to Philly, but about whom I have some serious reservations.
4) The Dark Horse: A player that may seem out of left field, but could be on the board for Philadelphia if they really fall in love.
Everyone know the rules? Then let’s get rolling.