Where Does Vincent Lecavalier Rank Among Philly Free-Agent Busts?

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1. Stacy Andrews (2009, six-year deal worth $38.4 million)

We’ve seen some big-time busts on this list. But this guy is without a doubt the biggest of them all.

Signed early in free-agency of 2009, Stacy Andrews was supposed to be the final piece of a puzzle that put the Eagles’ offensive line over the top. He was not only supposed to anchor the right guard position, he was supposed to motivate talented but troubled brother Shawn Andrews to suit up and take over the right tackle spot.

Stacy accomplished neither. Shawn never played another down in midnight green, and Stacy started a grand total of two games in his only season with the Birds.

After starting on Opening Day 2009, Andrews mysteriously found his way to the bench in favor of Max Jean-Gillies. Andy Reid and the coaching staff stated that Andrews was struggling to learn their blocking technique, but truth be told Andrews just flat out couldn’t play.

Andrews stuck around through training camp the next year before being shipped off to Seattle for a draft pick.

But the worst part of the Andrews signing wasn’t even his play on the field, but rather it was how it tied in to the departure of Philadelphia legend Brian Dawkins.

The Eagles announced the signing of Andrews on the same day that Dawkins signed with the Broncos. In a news conference to introduce Andrews, Reid was bombarded with questions regarding the departure of the great safety only to repeatedly state that it was “Stacy Andrews Day”. A Philadelphia legend’s time came to an unceremonious end, while the organization tried to get the fanbase to look the other way and shelled out big money for an enormous bust that would provide them with all of two starts.

It doesn’t get any worse than that.