Where Does Vincent Lecavalier Rank Among Philly Free-Agent Busts?

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4. Jonathan Papelbon (2012, four-year deal worth $50 million)

The minute you read that a closer was given a contract worth over $50 million, numerous red-flags get set off in your head.

It was signing that really signified the beginning of the end of the for the successful run that the Phillies enjoyed.

Although Papelbon hasn’t been a statistical disaster like the other names on this list, he’s been a cancerous figure in the clubhouse that the Phillies have been trying to trade for several years.

The former Boston standout has a very antagonistic personality, and enjoys clashing regularly with fans.

He’s by and large been a pain to deal with off the field, and his massive contract has helped keep the Phillies’ hands tied when trying to make moves to improve the club over the last few years.

Papelbon also was given an easily attainable vesting option for a fifth year that he’ll more than likely reach in the coming season, meaning that Phils will be stuck with him through 2016. Its because of this vesting option that prevents any team from wanting to take a chance on him and heat up trade talks with the Phillies. There’s just too great a risk that his physical skills will go on a sharp decline, and any team that takes him on will be stuck paying a ton of money and only receiving the negatives that Papelbon brings to the table.