As I stay in and embrace the 21st century technology that is the internet to do my shopping, those of you who live in the past will line up in department stores for the next month in an effort to get deals that you could have probably gotten while sitting on your laptop in your living room. But hey, it’s all part of the experience, right?
Anyway, as much as I enjoy hearing songs like All I Want For Christmas Is You and Frosty The Snowman that get me in the holiday spirit, there are a few Christmas songs that I cringe when they come on. This list will countdown those songs, with a few obviously terrible Christmas songs, and a few that under further examination, are truly horrible songs. Get used to hearing these tunes as you try to avoid getting trampled in Wal-Mart over the course of the next month.
Please excuse me if you think this is the corniest article that I’ve ever written, because it is. But the idea that I’m going to get mean-spirited when analyzing Christmas songs–the way I do when I talk about Ruben Amaro’s tenure as Phillies general manager–probably isn’t realistic.