Top Five Gifts To Buy A Sports Fan On Black Friday 2014
By Tim Kelly

5. X-box One/ Playstation 4
At this time last year, both of these systems were must-haves. I actually work in the electronics section at a K-Mart, and I can tell you that the demand was much greater than the supply for both of these systems. That is exactly how Microsoft (X-Box One) and Sony (PlayStation 4) planned it. To get one, you would have to line up at a Best Buy at 12 noon on Thanksgiving and avoid getting trampled on the way into Best Buy at midnight on Black Friday, and even then you had no guarantee. That doesn’t seem worth it to me.
This year, if you haven’t already been able to land one, the systems should be easier to find. The XBox One, which I have and enjoy using, wasn’t a commercial success last year. If you want to get one this year, it shouldn’t be much of a hunt to find one.
The PS4, which Microsoft only put out a limited supply of last year so the demand would be high again at this time of the year, won’t be quite as easy to find, but it also won’t be nearly impossible like it was last holiday season. The harder part is going to be finding the games for the system, which have been put out in even more of a limited supply than the actual system.
If you just want your system because are a gamer, then you are going to want the PS4 because it is designed to be the best pure gaming console on the planet. You are going to have to shell out over $400 (with tax) to make your dreams of buying someone (or yourself) a PS4, a reality.
If you are looking for an all-around entertainment console, you are going to want the X-Box One. As you can read on on the X-Box One features list here, the X-box redefines how you connect with your friends, watch TV, and most importantly as a football fan, play fantasy football. The grand total of this system was over $500 a year ago, but is now down to $350, because Microsoft isn’t forcing you to buy the Kinect anymore.